Tuesday, November 08, 2005

When Heaven's a blanket!

I was angry with my daughter, Yi Wen, the other day. Her A-Levels was approaching and I see her playing Sims on her computer for days! And I did not know if she had already started on her university applications; or at got in touch with her teachers who are suppose to write her evaluation reports for the Universities she intends to apply for. And the list goes on....

When I was her age, I was very eager to secure a place in the university and I would make doubly sure I make the deadlines. But of course, I did not apply for universities out of the country.

I must say, applying to the Ivy-league Us in the States is rather daunting. She has done wonderfully well so far: got perfect scores for her SAT Reasoning & Verbal; as well as for her subject SAT (Physics 800/800; Chemistry 790/800; and Maths II 800/800). There are loads of forms to fill in; evaluator reports to obtain; and of course essays to write. Most of these universities have deadlines like Dec 1; meaning she needs to start her application process now. We would be overseas from 25 Nov - mid Dec; making it almost impossible to do much those few weeks...

So, I was nagging her for her apparent inaction. I told her that I did not procrastinate when I was young on major issues such as this.

The only things I do procrastinate are household chores that I hate like: collecting the clothes from the clothesline; ironing; washing my school shoes, etc. And for these, Ma would censure me with her favourite scolding: "When the Heavens should fall on your head; you would look up and wrap it around you as if it's your blanket!"

Yi Wen looked up at me and said; " That's cool!".

So, what can I say, huh?

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